Bacharach, St. Goar, the Mosel River, Deutschland (Germany)
Awesome day. Got up and had breakfast with Donna and the boys and Sarah. Good conversation, good company. Donna decided to cut the boys loose for the day and so we decided to go on a drive in the country. Sarah headed back to London to return home and we wished her well.
I had to check out of the hostel because they were fully booked for tonight, but they told me to come back at 2:00 and see what’s available. Donna and I hopped in the car and drove up the Rhine and then down the Mosel River for a bit. We just enjoyed the scenery and all the little villages and castle after castle after castle.
On the way back, we stopped in St. Goar for lunch. It’s another of those story book towns and we walked down a narrow road trying to figure out where to eat. Without any real criteria to go on, we just decided to sit down at the place we were standing in front of. It was fantastic. An unusual salad, very tasty and a main of various cuts of the most tender pork I’ve ever had, cooked in garlic butter and a bowl of fries. Mmmmmm mmmm.
We then headed back to the Castle Stahleck Hostel and I was told I had a choice regarding my room. I could stay on a mattress on the floor in a big room upstairs or I could have a private room. Tough choice. After checking in, Donna and I headed back down the hill to see Bacharach. It’s more of a story book town than St. Goar. Just spectacular.
An easy evening at the castle reading and hanging out on the patio. I’m on the patio now writing this and the sun has dipped below the horizon and it’s cooling down nicely now. Donna and the boys just joined me with a bottle of wine. Sweet. Ian got a big ole hickey from a German girl named Paula at the Disco a couple of nights ago in Köln. I told him I’d put that in my on line journal and I don’t think he thought I really would. Neener neener Ian. I really like these guys, Donna is a really cool mom but she doesn’t believe it and despite scaring the little British kid, and his parents with his good natured boisterousness, Ian is a pretty good guy and funny too. Jared is the quiet cool cat.
After Donna and the boys turned in, the father of the scared British kid and I got to talking. Sweet guy. His name is Steve Young and yes, when he travels to the US he often gets confused for the 49ers QB, until they he hear his accent of course. We swapped travel stories and suggestions. He and his wife and little boy are camping through Belgium, Germany and Austria for three weeks.
It’s 11:00 and dark and I can see the well lit town up river from us. A beautiful site it is, but go to bed I must.
- Burg Katz in St. Goarshausen, on the Rhine
- The Rhine River
- St. Goar
- Bacharach church organ
- Streets of Bacharach
- Streets of Bacharach
- Streets of Bacharach
- Streets of Bacharach
- Bacharach, that’s Donna by the sign and the hostel on top of the hill
- Streets of Bacharach
- In Bacharach – I have no idea
- Streets of Bacharach
- The church Bacharach