Spring Road Trip, Day 4 – San Francisco
I had intended to sleep in a bit this morning considering I didn’t go to bed till 3:00am since I was up late writing about the concert. But, this bed they have me in really sucks, there’s just not much cush in the mattress, so I was up at 8:00am and in the library on line. Did emails and other stuff then watched a couple of TV shows on my PC.
John from Chicago sat down across the table from me and we chatted a bit. He’s visiting trying to make a go of it here in San Fran. Interviewing for wait staff jobs. We talked about music, Tim from last night and he told me about Alela Diane, I’ll have to check her out. We talked about having peeps all around the world through traveling and hostelling, pretty cool.
About 1:00 I got cleaned up for a hike with Joy. I don’t know why I bothered, it started raining. It was in the 50s and very overcast; very much like home in the Pacific Northwest, but with palm trees. Before I left, I went mattress hunting in the dorm and found one with a little more cush, so when no one was looking, I swapped them.
I drove across the Bay Bridge to Treasure Island and met Joy at her place and started hiking from there. Down down down the hill to the water through a network of stairs, roads, people’s back yards, and trails. We hiked along the forest lined beach for a ways, negotiating bigger and tougher obstacles along the way. We had to make our way around a couple of points jutting out into the water. Joy had to time the waves, me, I just plowed on through with my duck boots on, a’int no thang.
We went a little further than she had ever explored she said, so that was neat. We determined that the tide was definitely coming in so, not finding another trail off the beach, we headed back before we got trapped. Once past all the obstacles, it was a nice stroll along the sandy beach near the water’s edge. I was just walking along see, minding my own business see, and down I went. My right leg sunk into the sand almost up to my knee and my other knee buckled under me. I was OK and it didn’t hurt, but I was stuck. There were gobs of clam holes in the sand all around me and I must have stepped on a spot with a whole network of tunnels under me and it caved in I reckon. There was a whole clam city under me I tell you. I must have been like some sort of Godzilla coming through and wiping out their entire civilization. Joy was way out ahead of me and wouldn’t hear me if I yelled, so I just started wiggling around and got free in a few seconds. I then caught up to Joy and told her what happened.
We headed over to the old Naval Air Station – Treasure Island to continue the hike and then it got much colder and quite windy so we started making our way back. The trek back up to her place was an awesome workout. It was a couple hour hike and I got back to the hostel and then went looking for Chinese food, which I found, and which I devoured.
It’s pretty stormy out, so I wrote, emailed, paid bills, twittered, facebooked, paid bills, blogged, LinkedIn’d, watched TV shows, relaxed…