It’s 10:00am and I’m sitting in the Sunshine Cafe in the front looking out the window on Columbia Road here in Rossland, BC. The hostel is across the street. It’s cold and overcast and mildly snowing. Just had a nice full breakfast and did some writing on a short story I’m working on.
Rossland, BC is a small town here in the Kootenays seven miles up in the mountains from Trail, BC. Lots of snow, but Read Full Article & Comments…
My friend Jayne Baron who lives here in Bellingham, Washington is an artist who had a facility with drawing since age seven. As she was growing up, she’d shy away from it periodically though; she says she was leery of the attention.
After getting married and becoming a mom and overcoming her shyness, she started doing portraiture on the side and has now been accepting commissions for over 20 years. Jayne works primarily with colored pencil to create Read Full Article & Comments…
I’ll be leaving in the morning for the Kootenays in British Columbia Canada. This is really just a pretend road trip. It’ll be about a nine hour drive and I’ll be taking care of a friend who just had a knee replacement. I should be up there about a week or so.
I’ll still be connected so I’ll still be reading and blogging and tweeting and…
And what is yet to come?
Most of this is not news to the young and those in the know, so this is targeted to those like me… you know… old farts. During my time off I’m enjoying my encounters with people of all sorts; I’m talking with artists, writers and technologists. I’m learning more about existing technology, I’m seeing some amazing ideas and trying to get my head wrapped around new ways of thinking. Even the mediums people use to express those ideas are amazing. It’s a whole new world out there folks and it’s getting wilder exponentially. Don’t fall behind or you’ll never catch up.
Watch these videos, they’ll knock your socks off and Read Full Article & Comments…
This is the second of a series of iPhone application reviews.
Sure, you can put your music and podcasts and videos on your iPhone by syncing it with iTunes. And sure, you can view Word docs or Excel spreadsheets or pdf files attached to an email. But have you ever wanted to load your own pdf’s, docs, videos, or other files onto the iphone, without going through iTunes, thereby turning your iPhone into a very expensive thumb drive? And actually be able to view those files? Read Full Article & Comments…
I got my iPhone last Fall after two years of lust and envy I just couldn’t take it any more. I just don’t know what I’d do without it. This is the first of a series of iPhone application reviews.
It usually takes me between one and two hours to fall asleep at night, I just toss and turn, can’t get comfortable I reckon. I found this new app called White Noise from TM Soft. It’s simply a white noise generator with noise selector, volume, balance and pitch control, and shut off/fade out timer. Read Full Article & Comments…